20 January 2011
19 January 2011
Central- North New South Wales Floods
The southeast Queensland town of St George near the New South Wales border is braced for more flooding as the Balonne River peaks again.
Many properties would be isolated in the area of Lightning Ridge and roads could be expected to be impassable due to water over the road in many areas.
But this event may be less severe than the major inundations that occurred nearly two weeks ago.
The Balonne River is forecast to peak next week, lower than the 13.2 metres recorded a fortnight ago which resulted in damage to some homes.
The map shows areas subjected to flood water in shades of blue as of satellite imagery from the 18th January 2011. (CLICK on map to enlarge)
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10 January 2011
Gold, copper & antimony mining proposed for the Blicks River & Bielsdown River areas west of Coffs Harbour
This has not been reported in the mainstream media or local news.
The group 'Dorrigo Environment Watch' will question the mining project at a meeting in Dorrigo on the 13th January 2011.
The Australia online Shares database says about Anchor Resources:
* 100% owned by Anchor Resources
* Wild Cattle Creek is an advanced antimony project with tungsten and gold credits
* Ten hole drilling program completed in August 2009 to expand the resource at depth and along strike
* 2009 JORC resource upgrade 880,000t at 2.0% Sb using a 0.5% Sb cutoff grade (contained metal 17,500t Sb) by SRK Consulting
* A further 12 hole drilling program was completed in the first half of 2010 to extend known mineralisation
* A resource update is currently underway
* Program to assess metallurgy and quantify demonstrated gold and tungsten credits
* A scoping study has commenced to evaluate the potential for a commercial mining operation
Blicks EL6465 – northwest of Dorrigo, NSW
* 100% owned by Anchor Resources
* Anchor Resources identified two immediate targets for drilling
* Targetting gold, copper and molybdenum in an intrusion related model
* Dundurrabin previous drilling includes 18.1m at 1.23% copper and 33.9m at 1.27% copper
* Tyringham previously drilled with substantial thicknesses of low grade gold mineralisation (up to 96m at 0.23g/t Au)
* Initial Anchor drilling (RC) at Dundurrabin and Tyringham completed mid 2008
The Thunderbolts Project - NSW
The Thunderbolts Project (EL 7184) is located 40km to the north-northeast of the Hillgrove mine or 95 km west of Coffs Harbour. The old Magword antimony mine is contained within this project. The vein/shear filling stibnite mineralisation was mined historically via underground shafts and adits with high antimony grades being achieved. Reports indicate that production between 1941-1969 was over 3,000t of antimony, with average grades around 20.5% Sb. An initial review of the exploration history indicates there has been very little exploration conducted in the area since 1972.
Other historic workings and deposits within the tenement area include the Allingham, Rock Abbey/Magdell, Abroi, Tregaire North, Sugarloaf and Antimony Gully antimony deposits, as well as the Faulkners gold deposit.'
If you are concerned contact your local environment watch group ask questions to your local state MP's. If you are an investor you know what to do but maybe you would like to think it over what mining these areas would mean to the environment and the people that live there.
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