26 April 2010

Aliens exist but they may be dangerous: Hawking

Aliens may exist but mankind should avoid contact with them as the consequences could be devastating, British scientist Stephen Hawking warned on Sunday.

"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," the astrophysicist said in a new television series, according to British media reports.

The programmes depict an imagined universe featuring alien life forms in huge spaceships on the hunt for resources after draining their own planet dry.

"Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach," Hawking warned.

The doomsday scenario is suggested in the series Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking on the Discovery Channel, which began airing in the United States on Sunday.

On the probability of alien life existing, he says: "To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational.

23 April 2010

Trees lopped to expel Maclean Flying Foxes prior to rehabilitatin of sustitute habitat.

WORK is under way at Maclean High School to remove more than 20 trees as part of the Maclean Flying Fox Working Group management strategy to create a buffer between the school, its pathways and the car park.

22 April 2010

Australia makes Google's top 10 censorship list - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Australia comes in at number 10 on a list of countries that have asked the search engine Google to hand over user data or to censor information

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20 April 2010

WIKILEAKS - CIA Sustaining Support for War

CIA Red Cell Special Memorandum; Afghanistan: Sustaining West European
Support for the NATO-led Mission-Why Counting on Apathy Might Not Be
Enough, March 11, 2010


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Status and Trends in Atmospheric CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) - Mauna Loa -NOAA

CO2 continues rise to 0.000388 globally in April 2010. What does it mean?

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16 April 2010

US envoy criticises internet filter plan

US ambassador to Australia Jeff Bleich has criticised the federal government's mandatory internet filter plan, saying there are other, proven ways of policing illegal content.

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15 April 2010

Volcano erupts in Iceland. Tweet from @sellihcaj

ICELAND'S second volcano eruption in less than a month melted part of
a glacier and caused heavy flooding today. 800 people evacuated.

Sent from Echofon - http://echofon.com/

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14 April 2010

Livestock emissions threat overstated

The Australian newspaper reports on April 08, 2010

THE author of a UN Food and Agriculture Organisation report that has been used to argue that eating less meat would save the planet has admitted the study overstated the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock.


Burning after logging in Clouds Creek State Forest

Burning after logging in Clouds Creek State Forest  creates a smoke hazard to drivers.

08 April 2010

Bezahlen fürs Klo im Flugzeug - what is next

Mit einer Gebühr für den Toilettenbesuch an Bord will die irische Fluggesellschaft Ryanair künftig Kosten einsparen. Außerdem überlegt der Billigflieger, statt bisher drei Toiletten pro Maschine nur noch eine einzige anzubieten. Mit den geplanten Maßnahmen sollen die Kunden animiert werden, Toiletten an den Flughäfen zu benutzen. Auch für die Passagiere selbst sei es bequemer, wenn nicht ständig jemand aufstehe, um zur Toilette zu gehen, sagte ein Sprecher des Unternehmens. Wann und inwiefern Ryanair seine neue 'Toiletten-Politik' tatsächlich umsetzen wird, ist derzeit noch nicht bekannt. dpa...

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07 April 2010

Arctic 2010 Sea Ice Maximum

Sea ice coverage over the Arctic Ocean oscillates over the course of a year, growing through winter and reaching a maximum extent by February or March. This year, Arctic sea ice grew to levels beyond those measured in recent years but slightly below average when compared to the 30-year satellite record. 

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